What if we were to reinvent work and our organisations? Would we recreate management, leadership, organisational design and practices as we know them? Or would we do a lot of things differently?

We believe a more creative, deliberate and humanizing approach to organising is highly needed.

We stimulate the development of organisations, that we would want our children to work for in the future. Organisations characterized by genuine care for the world we are part of, deep responsibility for the social worlds created within and around the organisation, and courage to distribute power and making everyone powerful.

We create the organisations, we would like our children to work for in the future.

What we work with

We do consulting and training for teal organisations and for traditional organisations moving towards teal. As the most specialised and skilled teal consultancy company in Denmark we have the privilege to work with some of the country’s most advanced next-stage organisations. It is part of our purpose to share the knowledge and insights we gain in articles, professional journals, books and key notes.

Click on the links below to read about our courses and educations, projects and consultancy work. And please reach out, if we can help you.